Monday, August 24, 2009

Desert Season Is Upon Us.......Are you ready?

Hi everyone!

It's that time of year again for us Desert RV'rs. Good weather, cooler temps and the bite from the notorious camping bug means the Desert Season is here. Like bears coming out of hibernation at the first sign of spring, we take a swing by the storage lot or pull the cover off the rig that has been siting in the yard for the last few months and begin to ponder the first trip of the new season. We mull through the storage compartments, brushing mud and sand off the wheel chocks and awning mat taking inventory of what we still have and what we may have left in the sand at the last camp site. Its a good feeling imagining sitting under the awning on a cool fall day after a long ride, holding our favorite beverage and taking some R&R time with the family.The problem is, an estimated 250,000 of your fellow RVers are thinking the same thing right about now. So whats the problem you say?

This year in particular will be different from the last few in regard to RV service. With the virtual implosion of the RV industry this last year, many of the RV dealers that are still in business have pulled back staff and closed locations to save money. What that means to you is the possibility of much longer "in-service" times, longer appointment waits and generally poorer customer service (if that's possible) than ever before. If your RV is new and still under manufacturer warranty, the problem will be amplified because many of the RV manufacturer's as well as suppliers have quietly gone out of business over the winter. The few remaining are working shorter work weeks with fewer staff which will make it harder to get needed parts when the rush hits. Based on my personal "Guesstimate", I would say plan on a minimum of 4-6 weeks of down time or longer for any repairs if you wait until mid season. So whats the solution? Dont procrastinate, plan ahead and take steps now to beat the last minute rush.

First, do a full system run through on your rig right away. Start the generator, put it under a load with the A/C on t make sure it is working correctly. Light off all the appliances, lights, check your water system, test your batteries or take them in and have them load tested by a reputable shop with a load tester. Open up the awning, check your tires for checking or cracking and inspect your roof seals to make sure there is no sign of cracking or gaps in the factory sealant. I assure you, nine times out of ten, there will be something that will come up that was just fine last season before you put it away. If you are unable to do the full inspection yourself, contact your local reputable RV service center and make an appointment for a "Pre-Trip" inspection. Even if they call it something different, most RV service centers have packages for a full RV inspection and will give you a report of what they find, with pricing of what it will take to make it right. At this point its up to you to determine if you need to have the recommended repairs done or not to get through the next season.

The point is this, the season and time with your family is short enough. With a little planning and prep work on your part early on, you can catch any potential problems and get them corrected early on and avoid being caught up in the last minute rush!

Good luck and Happy Camping!

Michael Kahle
Murrieta Creek RV
951 698 8577

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